Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stupid Blogger Idiots!

Blogger jammed and had a great reluctance in opening its web page to me so i can put a new post on my blog...

Exams are a stupid A-less failure again for me this mid term. I'm in severe need to buck up now.


Today was saringan day. Three teachers did not come today to our class! Straight triple kill after exam. We did Azeana's rangsangan, though and abandoned chinese. We Hate Chinese! It's so irrelevant to today. Our parents say it will look good on our results sheet and help us get employed, but WHO the heck would want to know whether you can analyze and decipher the super-complicated Wen Yan Wen(old chinese way of writing sentences, basically) or chinese idioms? I know BM asks idioms too but at least we can roughly guess the meaning. I wish China had remained their communist Karl Marx ruling, shut out the world and tumble from the once great nation it was. Shit Confucious! Muahahahaha!!!!

I wish our country's history had been more intresting, like maybe told in a intresting war novel
sort of way. Maybe then most of us can score perfect As.

As for the shit story, i will continue when i have idea!!