Friday, June 26, 2009


The king of pop had his last breath already. Before he had the chance to come back to set the critics right. Before he could prove the the colour change hasn't pierced into any part of him. Before he could give us, the new generation, a sample of his genius and creativity with music.

I was, and probably lots of people, were looking forward to his July performance. That was, until his body decided to give up. All of this could have been avoided if, just if, he had not went for that skin-bleaching skin colour op. And that he had not been accused of child molestation. I feel that that guy should be killed slowly by all Jackson mourners and burn in hell. Who knows what could have happened if Jacky had not gone through all this. He may be still on top of the charts while chris brown and ne-yo shuffle behind him.

Anyway, Rest in peace, Jacko. You are immortal.

Now, to touch up on some other things:
1. Photo shoot
Whole class just went "Huh?" when the suohai clicked. No time to response. I couldn't hear him at the back, futhermore he spoke kind of softly. And, he started taking before Ben Yew finished moving. WTH stupid., i know its candid, but not til that extent... Everyone was in formation on either chairs or tables with small surface areas...

It died !! T.T Noooo! I wanna trash some cars.

3.Computer warranty
Ended! Yay! I am unreasonably happy on this, and its because i can get a new graphics card installed onto the computer! Now I can kick some car and human and zombie ass! As soon my father gets that card.

4.Sudden Attack
CS copy. A good addictive CS copy. Actually, I don'tknow why it's addictive; it just is.