Monday, November 17, 2008

The router WORKS.

I'm watching criminal minds now as i type this, downstairs!! Its slow, but hey, at least i got through the messenger and now, the blog.

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Well, does it look like an arrow? I've seen this on those game FAQs so i wanted to try it out, no that i've got nothing to do. Shiwen's spelling is still super cacated, while i've not going to many blogs .

Ooh it just got faster!
Not many updated huh?

Anyway, backtrack some 10+ hours, and we are at a basketball court. Yes, Daniel's basketball court (with joseph and jonathan) . Daniel's and mine foot bled a bit, but we both didn't know how it happened. Later, we took a wallet down only after many attempts. We started out by seeing it, sat down and scratched our heads. A basketball got it down a lot, but we were stuck. Then Shiwen got a bright spark, "Use a stick lah!" "Ya, hor, why we all so stupid one?" We took back a huge, really HUGE cut down branch like a battling ram. Turned out the stupid wallet is empty.

Mr. Lee somehow found Arvind and told him to join, but we were already back in the house. We washed our hands with daniel's high-powered hose. at that time, and shiwen 'accidentally' sprayed outside, to Arvind. He also accidentally sprayed his own father! Serious WTF suddenly. It was damn funny.

Later again, inside the house, daniel was getting roxy and copper to lick and smell Arvind.

Joseph: Arvind, Daniel's dog likes to smell you larh can you stand further !
Me: OMG Copper is licking its ......
Arvind : Its okay, my dog, Romeo likes to lick my cock everyday !
We all laughed even harder!
Arvind: Nonono i mean he likes to lick his own......!

I can't really remember what happened then, But, the best thing is,

