Friday, August 29, 2008

New Layout!!

Still not that different, though. It still has colours that are sort of dark and not too bright. The picture is still a supra, though. I just can't stop looking for other supras. I know its lifeless and there are very little new bodies out there, but it's my favorite car. Proably its just too hard to design another cause there are so little body lines.

Other than that, its not really different and green will always be in my blog, cause its my lucky color. Then it became my favorite. But green doesn't sell on magazines. What the Hell...

Here are more supras...
(click to enlarge, not enough space)

This is the same as my header, but lower

Mazda RX-7, by the same company, tamon design...

A Honda Intergra...Of course you don't know what im talking about.

Always famous.....

What the F??!! (Shirlie: "Zhichung no F!!!!)

Tjin Edition Skyline....Very white..

An Earlier Version. (there were 3, tis is the first.)

Don't get bored!!