Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cheese stick yellow dick

Some time since i updated my blog, huh? Blame it on the Internet; I didn't have it.

In fact, i was banned for the controversial post about my parents, so that was why the Internet was jacked, with the computer wire.


Happy (belated) Birthday
To LiWen!
Who was fooling with Delon's cheese stick today,
which from Delon's tupperware travelled over to his table

This would look gay if i add many, um, uh, this: !
Shit, my brain is deteriotating.

So, I better Enjoy whats left of my intelligence before its gone. Daniel's Men's Health magazine says that women are sexually aroused when they hear the sound of engines revving. True or False? I'll find out when i finish downloading Race Driver GRID, and shuwen and melanie comes over for tuition.

Dang! Another wrong spelling. (rectified)