Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New year, new year!

Yeah, we are split up, but we are still in the same school right? Thats what recesses are for, i guess.

What to do.....

I went to 1 u with my family for the fireworks show. The fireworks was just starting when we got there. The fireworks were impressive, with huge blooms of fire covering the night. The usual smoke was there too, luckily it didn't make my nose itch. there were also pillars of gold colour sprouting from the sides, once in the air. The ending was a massive load of fireworks fired up in rapid succession.
("Argh..Too much sound...Ahhhhh!! Frickin' pyromaniacs!")
It lasted for quite long, maybe 14+ minutes, with red blue green and yellow flashing in our eyes, while the sound came next. I could kind of feel the vibration... huh.

So, 2009, hm? Well, i finally got to number 3 on the blacklist now, and, the best part is that I GOT ALL THEIR CARS!!!! Wuah-hahahahahh! AAAA-hahahahah!! GUAAAAAH- hahahahaaah!!
At least, not all, but all the STRONG ones. From blacklist 6 (Lambo) to number three, who's driving a Aston Martin (James Bond!) , complete with "Kiss Me Im Irish" spreaded over the back. (?) Number 4's Dodge Viper's faster though. [201 mph pass a speedtrap!)

I'm planning on GTA 4 for 2009 and the COD daniel just gave me. Go Garena!

2. blacklist no. 1, gta4, wwe'09, cod5 and the new nfs
3. Get abs
4. Wish happy birtday to everyone this year
5. Find more stunt videos
6 Find more funny videos too.
7. Draw more pictures with the computer
8. Be less sarcrastic (to my family)
9. Find a better template
10. get photostudio for my new computer

How much RAM i got on my new computer?
4GB baby!
Yeaah baby yeaah!(Austin powers, 1,2 and 3)