Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh, no. Milestone 100, by shao wen

001. Real name: Ng Zhi Chung

002. Nickname(s): Ah Chung, Chung, Zhi

003. Age: 14+++

004. Horoscope: Libra. I am Balanced

005. Male or Female: male

006. Elementary: Some chinese
tadika bluhhhh....

007. Middle School: Damansara (c)

008. High School: SMKDJ

009. College school: Haven't been there, Haven't done that

010. Hair colour: Black

011. Long or short: short, what else? Could i become a rocker?

012.Loud or Quiet: I can be both.

013. Sweats or Jeans: What sweats? Sweater? Huh? That doesn't go on the legs.

014. Phone or Camera: Phone, with camera (:

015. Health freak: Not really, I 'll eat anything

016. Drink or Smoke: Smoking kills your luuuuuuuuuuuuunnngggsssssssss!!!! Women get breast cancer from even one glass of wine everyday.

017. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes, from the flames of last time, which is dying now.

018. Eat or Drink: Both-_- Stupid question. As if 100 isn't enough

019. Piercings: On the ears.

020. Tattoos: when i get buff, maybe one on the side of my neck

.021. Social or Anti-Social: Influenced by mood

022. Righty or Lefty: Right.

023. First piercing: On the ears!! Assholes.

024. First relationship: naught

025. First Best Friend: Guy who switched school, i think it was something like kuah siew yan or something

026. First Award: Tak tau

027. First Kiss: Not yet

028. First Pet:Fish are useless beings placed for display.

029. First Big Vacation: China, which sucked. Still reeling from the horribly boring highways of shanghai

030. First Love at first sight: Dunno...

031. First Big Birthday: Never.

032. First Surgery: I hit my head with a swing flying down from the top. I have stiches like frankenstein (:

033. First sport you joined: Badminton maybe

034. Orange or Apple Juice: Apple :)

035. Rock or Rap: Rock

036. Country or Screamo: country. Stupid sreamers just damaging their throats. I won't be surprised if one of them blows a hole in their oesophagus.

037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: 0.o Saye tak denger muzik lapuk mereka
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: britney

039. Night or Day: morning

040. Sun or Moon: Moon -Isn't this related to the last question? retard

041. TV or Internet: INTERNET, cos I don't get cable TV

042. Playstation or xbox: Nintendo Wii, but xbox, if not.

043. Kiss or hug: Both, they both show LOVE!!

044. Iguana or turtle: Iguana. So it will change into a billion gazillion colours show when i kill it after getting fustrated findning it

045. Spider or bee: What question is thid?

046. Fall or spring: Um, Spring. happier.

047. Limewire or iTunes: Anyone which i don't need to pay for.

048. Soccer or baseball: NONE!! Both are stupid.

049. Eating: This will add another 100 numbers to it

050. Drinking: Now, the list is 300!
Hands chao gan

051. Excitement level: Able to be increased anytime.

052. I'm about to: Listen to MONO from japan

053. Listening to: Ashes In The Snow - Mono

054. Plan for today: study

055. Waiting for : Exams to end, and the Dodge Challenger. Muscle cars rock.

056. Energy level: 70%

057. Thinking of someone: No.

058. Want kids: One or two only

059. Want to get married: Sure

060. When:
By 27 too

061. How many kids do you want: Stupid retarded long-winded shit faced fuckers can't you ask something else

062. Any name in mind:
You need a WinRAR decompressor.

063. What did you want to be when you were little: a hint of Racecar driver
, mostly nothing
064. Careers in mind: Dunno

065. Mellow future or wild: Mixture of both?

066. Something you would never try: me or someone else.

067. When do you want to die: Not too fast.

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)

068. Lips or Eyes: both, man

069. Romantic or Funny: Both too

070. Shorter or Taller: TALLER!!

071. Protective or Caring: Middle protective, caring of course

072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous

073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Both....

074. Sensitive or Loud: Not too loud or too sensitive.

075. Hooked-up or Relationship: I think relationship

076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: A bit of both :) I like trouble !

077. Muscular or Normal: Mixture of both, we are not too used to very muscular girls

078. Kissed a stranger: Nope

079. Broken a bone: Let me check myself, am i dead?

080. Lost glasses or contacts: glasses

081. Ran away from home: No, menghalau orang yang saya benci adalah pilihan yang lebih bijak.

082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: In a game, yes

083. Killed somebody: millions of game characters

084. Broken someone's heart: I don't know... Complimentary sorry in case of harm

085. Had your heart broken: Yes, by friends.

086. Been arrested: No.

087. Cried when someone died: Nearly.

088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Yes

089. Yourself: Yourself what?

090. Miracles: Yes, God gives them out sometimes

091. Love at first sight: repeat offender!

092. Heaven: The path I'll go after God decides to take me away :)

093. Santa Claus: Wouldn't be Santa if he came cause he would melt away all his fats

094. Tooth fairy: Don't think it exists

095. Kiss in the first date: I've never been on a date.

096. Angels: The most beautiful and purest things created by God.
Okay, i'll follow

Answer Truthfully

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Not really

098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : Lets say i don't feel particularly happy or sad. Just okay then.

099. Do you believe in God? : Of course !

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people
(but i dun't wanna kill people!!)

a)Ben Yew. More for you! Muahahahahaha!
b)Shit Wen
c) Ghee ken
6) Clement (I'm giving you more white hair)