Mind control is said to have influenced some kidnapping of people and whatsoever. They are usually associated with songs and some time back in my family, the KFC(cough, ARTIFICIAL, ahem) commercial. My mother said that, after my baby cousin watched it, he wanted to eat their artificial chicken.

So, today, this sounds like a report released by the health ministry.
Cabal is, to me a relatively BORING game. And yet, my brother and so many other people are stuck to this relatively BORING game. Okay, so my brother might not be an accurate source because he gets addicted to whatever he like real fast and real deeply.
If people get addicted to Maple Story its probably because of the characters. The song is light and gives the game a fun feeling, unlike CABAL, the RBG(RelativelyBoringGame), not RPG.

I mean, give the song theme for the bloody ice map a listen. (NaNaNaNaNaah, Naa Naa naa na nahh (x) indefinitely.
Yeah, its soothing, and actually quite nice when heard on its own. But it makes the gameplay feel boring, more with the slow rate that the characters walk.

I just got my sister hooked onto NFS most wanted! Thats something, huh?

new year's coming, get that WWE 2009 and the PS2 multi-controller adapter out!